01 January 2013

Welcome to 2013

It's a new year, and no one thinks anything of it.

Oh, they know it's happening, for sure. They may even talk themselves into feeling they're a part of something significant. But they're not.

All around, there's noise, the sounds of "celebration"--but nothing of any value. That's all it is--noise--devoid of any significance or value. It's a New Year, and opportunity to wipe the slate clean and say, "This time, we'll do it better!" but they've no interest in that. They're out there, partying, ignoring the problems, the world, ready and eager to repeat the same mistakes that got us into this mess. Why don't people think?

Well, why should they? It's not their strong suit.

Here I am, trying to think something profound, drowning in a sea of the mundane, and I feel all alone.

You laugh, think I'm over-inflating myself. Sure. But consider what happens when you try to think a coherent thought in the sea of the not-precise.

Then get back to me.