06 January 2014


They say admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. I'm not sure precisely how true that is, but I'll put it out there. I sleep too much.

Perhaps it's because even on nights when I don't have insomnia it takes me a long time to go to sleep. Perhaps it's because upon waking I find the world no better than I left it, and dive back down. Perhaps my body is still too weak and feeble to operate on less than ten hours without complaining. Or maybe I'm just perpetually dehydrated.

It doesn't help that I think my cycle is longer than 24 hours. I could sleep twelve hours and then stay awake for sixteen, easily. In fact, that would probably be more efficient than what I do now. Unfortunately, our civilization is still dependent on daylight, and I am too dependent on "civilized" people to break from that cycle.