31 January 2015

Failure in the New Year

We're a month into the New Year, and I'm already falling down on my resolutions. Not that I had anything formal, but I was hoping to finally meet my one-post-per-week goal and start flossing regularly. I have been successful at brushing my teeth left-handed.

It's interesting: I had a giant post planned about How to Make 2015 better. It won't be published, though its content will probably slip out elsewhere. I missed a major point, though: conceptualization. I'll be doing a proper post on it soon (maybe), but the problem we have is that we don't adequately conceive, plan, and execute our goals.

Resolutions fail because we use them to wrap up self-improvement in glittering generalities. Success requires concrete percepts and a clear vision forward, covering all the necessary points. That's hard, so most people don't bother. Who cares about making progress when you can feel good?

I do.