17 September 2016

Links for September

Scott Alexander with a new argument for the simulation hypothesis.

Non-horrifying clothes for small children.

Apple updates an operating system from the 1980s for the first time since I was born.

The Future Primeval argues politics is upstream of science and why.

Simon Penner at Status 451 discusses social gentrification as it pertains to nerd culture. Keep in mind the difference between nerddom-as-community and nerd-as-identity while reading.

Related: Scott Alexander again, this time with a fascinating neurological hypothesis integrating hallucinogenic drugs, schizophrenia, and autism. It would explain a lot and definitely needs more research.

The Economist reports that the corporate approach to introverts is getting worse.

Kerbal Space Program nears version 1.2

David Chapman on the glory of systems.

My review of Hive Mind by Garret Jones is finally up.