30 December 2016

Redesigning the Kansas City Flag

Roman Mars wants us to adopt better municipal flags. Many city flags go unflown because they're terribly designed in one way or another. Since my city's flag isn't seen very often, I decided to look it up. Here it is:

This flag frustrates me because it is so damn close to being really, really good. It's beautiful, it's simple, it's recognizable, and then some moron decided to write all over it because they didn't trust their own handiwork. That's just depressing. The flag was good, anonymous designer! Believe in yourself!

Unlike a lot of city flags, this one would be very easy to fix. Just remove the writing. That's it. A tricolor with the fountain symbol would be a gorgeous banner for then entire KC Metro.

Seriously, it took 15 seconds in MS Paint to clean it up:

As a country, we need symbols of non-exclusionary communities right now. Municipal flags are such symbols. It wouldn't be hard to change this. Consider writing the mayor or city council members. 

Kansas City can come together even better with clean, coherent images of who we are. An improved flag is the quickest and easiest way forward.