28 April 2013

Finals Week

A week from now I'll be vegging out at home, but for now, I'm trying to force myself to study for finals week. I've got a practice test in 40 minutes. I guess I should eat before then.

At this point, after months of feeling burnt-out, it's reached the point, the accumulation of apathy, that making myself study feels like pushing a rope made of water uphill.

I am overjoyed with the thought of being done with this semester. Unfortunately, I need to get good grades or else I'll loose my scholarship, so I can't do the minimum to get by. I feel annoyance in the extreme.

In general, a few things I'm happy about with regards to going home:

  • No more dealing with my stupid dorm-mates. Their irrational, Dionysian culture is disgusting. Their antics really do make we question the hypothesis that we're all of the Homo sapiens sapiens subspecies. Surely their must be some biological explanation for this insanity ... ?
  • Sleeping reasonably. I don't even know how to describe my sleep schedule. I plan on sleeping 10:30 a night for a week after I'm home.
  • Sane meal times. The dining courts here run on a schedule completely divorced from human beings, let alone college students. Having a degree of control would be lovely.
  • My room. My roommate here is probably the best I could have asked for, given the other loons on my floor, but after 8 months, I grow weary of shared space. I want to shower without the possibility of a conversation, and the option of changing whenever I'd like.
  • And hugs. I miss physical contact with human beings I like. (Hint: I don't like people here.)
And just maybe, I can accomplish something this summer. My brain has completely atrophied at school, so we'll see if I can get it functional again.