07 April 2013

Motivation and Weekends

I've noticed recently that my motivation level on the weekends is darn near zero. I have a couple of hypotheses on why this is the case:

First, obviously, is that my assignments are pointless. This is a given. At this point some of my courses are literally spiraling into gibberish that bears only superficial resemblance to human language.

Second, as an introvert, I need the weekend to recover from 5 days of being confined with other human beings. I need two or three days to get to the point where I don't want to squirrel away in a corner, after which point I can reasonably start the assignments that they expect done at this point (though that would require superhuman skill). Essentially, the dice are loaded against introverts.

Third, I'm bored. Really, really, really bored. There are no goals here, just an endless string of progressively more difficult assignments and progressively less useful lectures. None of this has anything to do with getting me into space, it seems, and moreover, all seems complicit in holding me back. The rampant anti-conceptualism of these rather conceptual classes is destroying my drive, and will likely do the same thing to my GPA.

Life has no purpose when you submit it to the review of others.