29 December 2013

What would I even call this?

I'm very tired and will probably question this in the morning, but I want to get this out. Sometimes I just really don't understand my mother.

This probably doesn't seem surprising but I feel (special pleading alert!) that my situation is unusual. We're both INTJs, we're both fairly intelligent, but we completely differ in our approach to living.

In particular, I just can't seem to wrap my head around why she'll suggest one thing and then wonder how anyone could ever do something so stupid as what she suggested! It's like she's completely incapable of seeing how her own behavior prevents the very behavior she wants out of me.

All I want is to just be left alone long enough to get something done. That'll never happen. And then the damn fools will wonder why it never got done.

How anyone has a family and doesn't believe in laissez-faire is utterly beyond me.