Marco Rubio is trying too hard to win the warmonger vote.
John Kasich was there. (This was surprising just in itself.)
Jeb Bush is a nice person but can't defend himself very well.
Ben Carson isn't very good at forming coherent answers to the questions he's asked. Also too quiet.
Chris Christie was actually too bland to evoke any real emotions at all.
Rand Paul had the best claque.
Overall, I'd say that Paul is still my closest ideological fit, but agree with David Wasserman that Rubio is the best hope for the Republican Party. Not that any of this particularly matters, since Hillary Clinton is going to our next President, but the GOP needs to pivot if it wants to stay relevant into the 21st century. In my vision, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Speaker Ryan are all integral parts of that shift, but they might have other ideas.