24 January 2016

One Week In

We're one week into the new semester and I'm still on top of everything. For the most part. I could have done a bit more of the optional reading for thermo and I need to write a few paragraphs about humanism for my English class, but aside from that I've at least finished all the assignments so far.

This week, my primary goal is simply to retain and consolidate my success. The longer I go before faltering, the better. The material will likely become more challenging this week, in which case attending office hours may become necessary. If that's the case, I'll just go. I've waited too long too many times before.

My secondary goal is to begin the process of finding an apartment to live in this summer and into the next school year. Where I live currently is not at all conducive to my academics success, and it's only going to get harder from here. It's going to be warmer next week, so heading back and forth to the library will thankfully be more practical.

My habit for this week is to simply avoid procrastinating, and do work as soon as I can.