16 August 2016

Links for August

UFOlogy gets serious.

Virginia Postrel argues that donating used eyeglasses is extremely ineffective. Nice to see more effective charity discussion among libertarian types. Speaking of, Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson isn't ruling out basic income. Reminder that GiveDirectly is testing guaranteed basic income in Kenya.

Ned Resnikoff argues against sentimental democracy. Also see this article on the failure of redemptive constitutionalism in The Atlantic.

An interesting hypothesis of governance from Peter Thiel.

Marginal Revolution on the rapid loss of ideological diversity among university faculty. Maybe the Koch brothers recent decision to drop national politics for campus/thinktank activism will mitigage this trend.

KIC 8462852  is still doing weird shit.

Finally, I'll be attending the World Science Fiction Convention for the next few days. I'll be posting throughout the day on Twitter and writing up summaries here each night. If I get inspired, maybe I'll resurrect my writing blog in the fall semester.