13 January 2019

Q1 Progress Report: January Week 2

Short post this week because of the winter storm that hit Kansas City. My house has power, but we lost cable last night, so I'm typing this with data on my phone. One of our acquaintances wasn't so luck; we lent them a sleeping bag and took over some warm food. If their power isn't back tomorrow they can visit us during the day (though I've been tracking KCP&L's progress online, and it's pretty steady).

This week I mainly focused on setting up a decent routine. Progress has been slow; I'm starting to spend time working at the public library to improve my environment. I expect to ramp that up next week. Unfortunately, another cold is making its way though the family, so I've been dealing with that amid the snow and my other responsibilities.

This coming week my goal is to continue establishing a productive routine and use that time to pursue my various goals. This will probably require more autonomous operation, but having spent the weekend largely cooped up with my family, I can't say that that's a bad thing.