20 June 2016

Missed my Sunday night post yesterday, on account of spending the weekend at home. My productivity has taken a huge hit, not the mention the easy points lost on the Fluid Mechanics exam today.

I would go into detail about the reasons spending time with my parents is detrimental to my grades, but they don't read this blog, which is actually kinda ironic considering that they're on the pro- side when it comes to parental snooping. Talk about not picking the low-hanging fruit.

Then again, my posting is so inconsistent maybe Mom just forgets about this blog for long periods at a time. Dad doesn't have a whole lot of time to look. It depends on how you choose to structure your free time. We have some substantial differences, but it won't profit me to get into them here.

Suffice to say that I'm not feeling up to the continuous stream of homework, which doesn't take a break just because I made a questionable decision. My plan is to turn in early and hope that when I wake up tomorrow I'm feeling less .... is there a word for this sensation? Probably. It'd be nice to know it right now.

On the bright side, I think I'm going to begin my reread of Atlas Shrugged before turning in. I haven't read a significant portion since high school (if memory serves), so it'll be interesting to see how I react to it after the last few years.

I should start exercising again while I'm at it.