21 October 2018

Q4 Progress Report: October Week 3

Despite some hurdles, I made good progress this week. Several of the major remaining items for the move were checked off this weekend, and we should be meeting with the realtor to start the process of putting the house on the market. Most of the remaining tasks are pretty simple (aside from perfectionist touch-up work that I'll probably be doing until we hand over the keys).

There were some challenges at the new house this week as well, primarily a clogged drain that took some proper plumbing work to fix. That's been solved, however, and we shouldn't have serious trouble with it again.

I also spend some time working on various projects of my own, including the astrodynamics project I've alluded to previously. That's been almost entirely wrapped up and I should have the blog post finished within a few days (though I'll admit that I said the same thing last week). I also finished Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (Goodreads review here) and I'm perilously close to finishing Failure Is Not an Option. All told, it's been a good week for my reading progress.

This coming week has no dramatic plans besides meeting with the realtor and attending a Halloween Party next Saturday. My blog post should be up in a few days, and I've begun my serious NaNoWriMo planning. Aside from that, things are going relatively well provided no new preventable emergencies rear their ugly heads.