28 October 2018

Q4 Progress Report: October Week 4

Fall allergies are having an effect, but nevertheless I made satisfying progress this week. All of the major remaining action-items on the house are complete, so at this point all remains is basic cleaning and touching up the paint. I'm confident that the house will be market-ready within a fortnight, though I'm not in charge of the paperwork so that might end up delaying matters.

Since we're nearly there, I am still intending to attempt NaNoWriMo this year. My planning is a little spotty but gradually coming together. Most of my writing effort has been directed at some sticky blog posts that I'd like to push out by the end of the month.

The goals for this week, then, are the necessary writing and continuing the cleaning/painting process. I've also instituting a small change in my weekly schedule, swapping Application Mondays with my normal off-day on Tuesday. Normally I find that I'm pretty tired after working on the house over the weekend, so it's easier to recuperate on Monday and then prepare a quality application.