16 December 2018

Q4 Progress Report: December Week 3

It was a busy week. I'm tired.

I think we're done with the interior painting, which really just leaves a once-over on the floors left to do before we're in the clear to hand the property over. I'm not removing the painting supplies though until I get confirmation from my parents, though. Of course, I'll still need to keep the yard up, but that's a different sort of struggle.

That said, the last few days haven't felt much like a reprieve, because other factors naturally come into play. Most notably, I've been to three (3) social functions of various sizes in as many days. Mom is also fighting off a cold, so I've been looking to manage an even higher percentage of household tasks than usual.

Oh, and we put up the Christmas tree tonight. No decorations yet, but I'll get into that in the next few days.

I had intended to get a haircut on Friday, but just...didn't. On the bright side, it's a bit warmer, which is when I prefer to get them anyways. It is beginning to get annoying, though, so the incentive is definitely there.

My other major goal for the week is to push out a blog post on some elementary rocket engineering principles, with derivations. I'm having a lot of fun with my notes, so the incentives are there, too.