30 December 2018

Q4 Progress Report: December Week 5

We finished the house this week. Completely. We took the last of the stuff out, handed over the keys, and I watched as Mom and Dad signed the final paperwork. We're done. We even got paid in a timely manner.

It's a little weird to think about, if we're being honest. That's the place where I spent my entire childhood, and now I'm probably never going back there. I might not even go to that street again, despite still living in the same area. Even though this has been literal years in the making, I didn't really feel like I had full closure on the matter. But that's typical.

At least I'm feeling better. I woke up a lot less sick on Christmas Eve. I don't know if we would have finished had I not improved by the end of Christmas. As is was, we managed to have a relatively enjoyable holiday and finish everything up by the scheduled signing time.

Since that point, I've mostly been working on hitting my end-of-the-year blogging goals. I pushed out the rocket science post I'd been working on and my December links. Tomorrow, my scored predictions for 2018 will go up (unless something drastic happens between now and then). Ideally, I'll also have 2019 predictions up on New Year's Day.

I'd also like to do full reviews of my quarterly goals, and—conditional on the results—lay out some objectives for the first quarter of 2019. Those have less strict desired deadlines, though probably still within the next week.

I also need to re-up my Youth Protection certification tomorrow, and at some point it would be nice to start putting away the Christmas decorations. That will probably entail an extensive negotiation process with Dad, but I won't bother transcribing any details.