02 December 2018

Q4 Progress Report: November Week 5/December Week 1

December is here, which means we're two-thirds of the way through the fourth quarter of 2018. Or, to put it another way, there's less than a month left in the year.

As previously mentioned, I completed NaNoWriMo last month. The book itself is a long way from finished, but I've got some momentum now. Over the coming weeks I'll be putting a lot fewer words on the page each day, but that's in part because I find the difficultly of the marginal word rises non-arithmetically past a few hundred. Two thousand words (per day) is considerably more than twice as hard as one thousand words. At least right now; that may change as I get a bit more practice.

I also managed to push out a proper blog post as well as my November links before midnight Friday. That was a little closer than I like it, but manageable.

Over at the other house, I've been retrieving the last stragglers from the garage and finishing up the paint touch-up. That's been going faster than expected, which is good because the house is officially on the market.

Since between these changes my free time is slightly increasing, I've been going to a few more social events and, as predicted, ramping up the job search. I'm also hoping to work on some writing projects—there's some posts I'd like to do on some engineering topics to better explain them to my non-aerospace friends and family. Provided I manage to avoid getting roped into too many holiday activities, keep an eye out for those.