10 February 2019

Q1 Progress Report: February Week 2

I've been doing a quite bit better on the sleep front, though a disruption on Wednesday meant I fell off the wagon a bit again. However, I've managed to maintain positive momentum long enough this last time around that the benefits were sufficiently apparent to motivate me towards recovery in the near-term (read: I'm already basically back on schedule).

One advantage is having more time to, like, read before bed, so I've read more pages in the last week than probably the rest of the year combined. I'll be finishing First Man tonight, so expect a review later this month.

I'll be travelling to visit relatives pretty soon, however, so my #1 priority is finishing my grad school application. I've been working on that this week, and should be able to wrap it up in the next few days. Then I can turn more of my attention back towards longer-term projects.

In the short term, however, I'm in the market for a haircut and new glasses frames. I probably won't get the latter before heading out of town, but I think my extended family would rather see me properly shorn. I know I would—thankfully the weather should be warm enough for a few days that I can afford the hit to my body's thermal insulation.