11 November 2018

Q4 Progress Report: November Week 2

Big thing this week was the midterm elections. I'll probably write a more detailed post on the subject later, but for now let's just say my decision to stop paying attention to politics was probably the right choice given how watching the results come in (and reading the analysis) negatively affected my productivity.

Among other effects, I continued to fall behind on NaNoWriMo for the first part of the week. I've since recovered and started regaining ground, but I'm still several thousand words behind. I've crossed the 10,000 word boundary I mentioned in my 2018 predictions, though, so that's a positive. Right now, it's unclear whether I'll ever feel like sharing this story with the world, but it's already for a symbolic "first novel" even if it never sees the light of day.

I've also recovered on my sleep schedule, though that's still in the tentative mood. Since cold weather tends to aggravate my tendency to oversleep, I found a hack in my behavior: when I get out of bed to turn off the alarm, go to the thermostat and turn it up to the daytime temperature. Even if I turn back in, I'll be less cold later on—and have a task to motivate moving around keeps me awake longer. Generally speaking, that helps people avoid sleeping.

There's no particularly noteworthy goals for this week besides continuing along all fronts.