04 November 2018

Q4 Progress Report: October Week 5/November Week 1

So what happened this week? It's been such a whirlwind that I really haven't managed to catalog all of it narratively. I had to sit down and look over my weekly to do list to properly make this post, if that says anything.

Underlying all of this, of course, was continued work on the house, mostly in the cleaning and yard-work department. I've also started the final round of paint touch-up, which I'm not going to estimate the quantity of thanks to my past experiences with planning fallacy. Overall, though, I would say that I'm satisfied with our progress in that regard.

After a lot of struggle and some forensic computing on my own programs, I finished the astrodynamics project that I've been mentioning all month, which you can read about on my WordPress blog. I'm honestly quite happy with the result and it's given me a lot of ideas for other, less complex writing material.

Speaking of writing, once Halloween was over and all zero of the Trick-or-Treaters we got this year had left, I began my NaNoWriMo project. So far I've done better than in all of my previous attempts, though given that it's only November 4th that doesn't say all that much. I'm under-quota for today, though only by a few hundred words, so I'm not going to worry about it too much. There will be a lot more work before this idea will be remotely ready for widespread consumption.

I can probably catch up tomorrow, though I'm also planning to do up a summary sheet on the candidates that'll be on our ballot Tuesday for the election. I still haven't decided which candidate I prefer for most of the downballot races, so this will be primary for my benefit, though of course I'll be sending to my parents so that they can make a quasi-informed selection.

Aside from that, well, more of the same. Hopefully I can make NaNoWriMo fit in my schedule; my plan is to get my words in before lunchtime and dive into other obligations after that point. The end of daylight savings time works in my favor here: I'm not moving my sleeping hours at all, just getting up a hour "earlier" compared to everyone else. I'd been wanting to make this change regardless, so being reminded about the time change was a present surprise. (For the record, I still favor making Daylight Saving's Time permanent).