25 November 2018

Q4 Progress Report: November Week 4

We are perilously close to being done with the house. Yesterday, we transported the remaining couple pieces of furniture and the majority of the remaining stuff in the garage, plus miscellaneous tools and the like. Dad and I also raked nearly all the leaves on the lawn, which was convenient ahead of the snowstorm we got today.

Since we're getting close, I'm planning to dial back up the job search this week with a new round of applications. Things have been a bit slow in the lead-up to Thanksgiving—having both parents around more does hell for productivity—but we're looking at a few weeks of relative normalcy before the Christmas season really kicks off. There's really not that much more touch-up work to do, so I should have plenty of time to focus on longer-term goals.

Speaking of personal large projects, NaNoWriMo is continuing well. I'm still on track, though 50,000 words is nowhere near the actual length of this draft. I'm not really sure if I'll go back and revise it when I'm done, but I am planning to continue at about 1000 words per day until it's done.

I'm planning to push out a proper blog post this week, in addition to the monthly links post over here.