14 April 2019

April Week 2

I've been reflecting on what's been missing from my quarterly goals based on an interesting discussion I had at the local rationalist meetup last weekend, but I haven't quite yet finished articulating it in a form fit for public consumption. Maybe this week? It's hard to say. Spring allergies have been hitting me hard and a foray into cooler weather didn't help any.

Consequently, I didn't feel really as accomplished as I would have liked this week. There we some administrative tasks, household errands which really shouldn't have been as much of an ordeal as they were, and the like. The big excitement was renewing my CPR certification on Monday and going to get a haircut on Tuesday.

In the coming week, I'll hopefully reach a decision on whether or not these weekly reviews and quarterly objectives are actually worthwhile. That's the only thing that seems worth mentioning at this point.