30 November 2016

November Links

The acheivment gap isn't about teachers. If that piques your interest, Scott Alexander has more than you could possible want to know about the subject.

The ad campaign that made lesbians love Subaru.

Robin Hanson advises you to chase your reading.

From the Biodeterminist's Guide to Parenting:
One interesting observation is that with a few exceptions, places at more extreme latitude have higher IQs. Again, useful for the racists. But epidemiologists have a better explanation: parasite load. Tropical jungles are crawling with parasites. The North Pole generally isn't. Sure enough, when they run the studies, parasite-infestedness of an area correlates with national IQ at about r = -0.82. The same is true of US states, with a slightly reduced correlation coefficient of -0.67 (p<0.0001). The effect was found to do better than other things one might naively expect it to be a proxy for, like temperature, latitude, evolutionary novelty of environment, et cetera. It's pretty robust. And it holds up in quasi-experiments. When an area eliminates parasites (like the US did for malaria and hookworm in the early 1900s) the IQ for the area goes up at about the right time.
GiveWell's updated list of top charities is mostly anti-malaria work and deworming, which means that your marginal dollar also contributes to the global project of raising IQ.

A literal millionare next door. He didn't donate to AMF, but instead left his fortune to the local library and hospital.

The rest of this post is election analysis, so stop reading here if that doesn't interest you. I've put it under a cut for the defensively apolitical.

Ken White has advice for getting back to work the day after. Sarah Constantin did not expect this result and wants to be wrong less

Third party voters such as myself are taking a lot of heat from Democrats. Sasha Volokh works the numbers and concludes that Gary Johnson helped Hillary Clinton, but not by enough. Also note that Clinton's get out the vote operation may have turned out more Trump voters. Furthermore, the Clinton campaign bought advertisements in marginal states while neglecting Wisconsin, Michigan, and Virginia. In summary, the Democrats blew it this year, badly.

Despite winning the electoral college without the popular vote, President-Elect Trump said on Sixty Minutes that he still opposes the electoral college. Then two days later he tweets this. Now he's saying that he won the popular vote, provided "you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally". At this point I'm inclined to think he's optimizing for media attention rather than anything else.

Speaking of which, here's Topher Hallquist from last December. Don't say you couldn't have prevented this. All you had to do was shut up.