10 November 2016

Weekly Review

Time for another weekly review post.

First of all, election. I'll write up my thoughts properly at some point, possibly this weekend, but for now let it suffice to say that I'm surprised with the result and very much disappointed with my fellow Americans' reactions to it. That's what you get for having expectations.

The most immediate consequence is that I messed up my sleep schedule by staying up too late waiting for a final call. I'm still paying for that. Academically the situation is mixed. I did much better on the last flight dynamics exam than I'd expected, but structures is still challenging me. Over the weekend I spent a lot of time in the library working on that and aerodynamics, but clearly more time is needed. My laptop's battery life was a serious limiting factor in how long I stayed each day, so next time the charger goes with.

For similar reasons, I didn't write as much as desired, but that will probably change in the coming days. Of course, there's two exams next week, so my schedule isn't exactly wide open.

On a bright note, the rocket design club secured funding yesterday, so we'll be getting back to work on the hybrid engine after Thanksgiving break.