17 March 2019

Q1 Progress Report: March Week 3

This week was almost exclusively GRE preparation. I take the test tomorrow. On the practice exams, I've scored close to but not precisely at the level I need, so I'm a little nervous. I canceled plans for today so I would have time to go over more practice problems.

In the Verbal section, I'm doing far better than I need to, so I haven't really worried about that since the first practice run. Quantitative is the stickler. A lot of this math I haven't had to do in any rigorous form since high school, or possibly even earlier, so it's not really clear why this is an indicator of my ability to perform as an engineering graduate student. Probably cargo cult admissions if we're being totally honest with ourselves, but it seems to be the only game in town.

I don't really have a whole lot of plans for the rest of the week, besides a Spring Equinox party on Wednesday. My Dad is having a small-ish medical procedure done that day, so hopefully all goes well and I won't have to cancel. There aren't any a priori reasons to expect complications, but human bodies are an uncooperative mess atimes. We'll have to wait and see.

Job search was strong in the first half of the week but is currently taking a back seat to GRE prep. I'll be back on that sometime this coming week.