31 March 2019

Q1 Progress Report: March Week 5

Last Q1 progress report! I'm planning to do a quarterly review on Monday, at which point I'll decide whether this experiment in self-documentation has actually been worth the trouble. Right now, I really can't say whether I'll decide to continue it or let this join the long list of productivity strategies I've abandoned over the years.

I am feeling like I'm making some progress this week. Mainly, this is because I finally made it up to the Linda Hall Library, which turns out to have an amazing collection of engineering books. This includes a number of aerospace books I had thought I would have to buy, but can in fact read for free. Between this and digging into the local library catalog a bit deeper, it turns out that most of my to-read list is already available to me.

In other news, I spent some time organizing my inbox and getting my job-application plan in better order. Linda Hall Library seems like a much better place to work than the public library, so I may be going there to work through a larger number of applications in a day. (I find the situation at home less amenable to extended focus.) We're also working on developing some new programming for the local rationalist group, which I'm looking forward to implementing.

My GRE scores also arrived this week, but I'm not really so much interested in how well I did as what KU Aerospace thinks of the matter, so I'm basically living with Schrodinger's Score until I get an answer from graduate admissions.

My focus this coming week is reading engineering books at Linda Hall and applying for more jobs. If I decide to continue with quarterly planning—or any other sort of time-delineated planning system—I'll be working on that as well.